Tuesday, March 30, 2010

San O Sunday 3-28-10

You know what I like about San O? It’s like going surf camping, but no sleep over. Everybody is surfing, taking naps, and cooking something over an open fire. I didn’t understand the attraction to San O until I moved down to Southern California. For a guy who doesn’t have a lot of time to go camping San O really dose the trick for some camping relief. Here are some images of this past Sunday at San O.

Photos: S. Thomas & J. Salas

Young River burning me.

Jed Noll micro nose riding

Foam ball nose slide

Jed going low on a high

The weather was so nice. Here's some of the crew enjoying the warm sun.

Jed's Boy James on the nose.

Jed introducing his baby girl Trinity to the ocean.

Julie Cox one foot wonder

This girl was getting some good ones off the point.

Jorge Salas (photographer) going for a surf on this bad ass nose rider Jed built him.

Julie Cox in Classic Julie form.

Julie in trim.

Big bru Zane

Oh its the little River Band again.

Julie going for a surf

Jed and Julie talking shop

1 comment:

Rudy said...

Bummer I missed you guys! I was at Old Man's earlier that morning. Great photos =)