Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Photos By Daniel Franks

Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

One Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Two Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Three Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Four Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Five Steve Thomas Photo:Daniel Franks

Friday, October 2, 2009

Big Shorts To Fill. Photos By: Daniel Franks

Check out these shots. There were only 50 pairs of these trunks made for the GN team. They're pretty cool trunks however wearing the trunks that represent Greg Noll is pretty intimidating to say the least.

Photos By: Daniel Franks

Photos By: Daniel Franks

Photos By: Daniel Franks

Photos By: Daniel Franks

Thursday, July 23, 2009

San O Tuesday "Shark Week Special Edition"

Photos By:
Steve Thomas
Danny Franks
Jorge Salas

In the year of our lord 2009 on the day of 21st of July another fine San O Tuesday occurred. Waves, sun, Great White Sharks, chicken smothered in processed yummy BBQ sauce and the best God Dam potato salad money can buy from SC cafĂ©. This Tuesday the waves were small but real fun, the wind stayed moderate and the sun was hot. At least 5 people came up to me and said they witness an 8-foot GW Shark but no one stopped surfing. Its funny because when I tell people I’m from up north they always ask me if I’m scared of the sharks up their and I just tell them that I’m more scared of the Shark that everyone sees all the time everyday at San O. Shark or no shark it was fucking fun hands down. No wait ..HANDS UP!!!!!

There is a fucking shark out there
Photo: S. Thomas

Mason Klink is the coolest kid.
Photo:S. Thomas

That dude wishes he can turn like Lindsey Engle
Photo: S.Thomas

What I'm doing here is walking back from the nose with the song "Fuck the Police" by Americas classic thug rap band, "NWA"
Photo: D. Franks

Ryan Engle owner of Nation Surfboards LLC. dumbfounded by the beauty of Jed Noll's craftsmen ship. I'm just confused.
Photo: J.Salas

Dustin ruff riding the evening bump
Photo:J. Salas

Ryan Engle out of retirement all hip hop graphited out.
Photo:S. Thomas

Diiner(Diina Horo) and huglife(Justin Hugron) eating chips in judgment.
Photo:J. Salas

Diiner (my new nick name for Diina Horo) The California kid's Hina and Easter Europe's delicate little flower is now on the nose.
Photo: S. Thomas

Chicken Mo-Fo. Engle cooked these little bitches up.
Photo: S. Thomas

Space Man Travis "21" Ooodwards
Photo: S. Thomas

This is why I call him Travis Ooodwards "21" cause he's 19 and when he goes in to the store to try and buy beer and the guy asks him for his I. D. he just points to his stash and says, "Here's my I.D. ass. 21"
Photo: S. Thomas

Future WWLBC Lindsey Engle is about to paddel out.
Photo: S. Thomas

Lindsey Engle on the nose. I'm calling it right now, Lindsey will be WWLBC. You heard it here first.
Photo: S. Thomas

Fuck you too Little kid God! Little River is a punk ass. Just kidding. Little river rules.
Photo:J. Salas

Big Zane crushing it.
Photo: J. Salas

This board Looks (i'll say it again) Looks really good. I wonder if it works.
Photo: S. Thomas

Once again with Dustin Franks.
Photo: J. Salas

Hi my name is Steve Thomas I prefer Steven but know one ever calls me that. I first started going on eHarmony when i turned 30. I haven't had any success but I'm hopeful. My therapist said its an excellent way to meet hot single christian girls who are approaching midlife crises. I told him I'm not a christian but i was baptised catholic just in case I'm wrong.
Phot: J. Salas

same old same old me
Photo: J. Salas

Dust and Luna-tic
Photo: S. Thomas

Steeeeeve Newton
Photo: D. Franks

I just like the colors on the umbrella.
Photo: S.Thomas

Mason Klink smack down
Photos: D. Franks

Diina worrier princes. I bet she gets that all the time and hates it.
Photo: D. Franks

Little River announcing that he's hungry
Photo: S. Thomas

Jorge Salas doing some surfing him self.
Photo: S. Thomas

Me round the way
Photo: D. Franks

Travis "21" Oodward
Photo: S. Thomas

I dont know what they were looking at. Take a guess.
Photo: S. Thomas

Burnt Buns
Photo: S.Thomas

Big Dustin Franks on zee fish tip
Photo: J.Salas

Klink on Drums
Photo: S. Thomas

Bend at the knees not at the hips.Me
Photo: D. Franks

Dust and Hug
Photo: J.Salas

Men just grab there junk a lot ladies. It's part of having BALLS!!..balls.
Photo: S. Thomas

Trav 21 round about
Photo: S. Thomas